Interesting/Helpful Links…
What Personality Type are you? Take this Enneagram Quiz to find out. Does it match your expectations?
Are you an Empath? 15 Signs you might be:
15 Signs You are Dealing with a Narcissist:
For help coping with grief:
Are you being bullied? Click Here to read this article
Are you depressed? This test can help answer that question: \
Help for People coping with Cerebral Palsy, check out this Cerebral Palsy Guide:
Books/Articles to learn from, or to escape to…
Mental Health Help: 99.9% of us have boundary issues. We feel like we give too much or others give too little. Sometimes when we give, it’s harmful to us and to the recipient, because the recipient may need to learn to fight his/her own battles and solve his/her own problems. By helping too much, we may be robbing them of learning important lessons and we may be depriving them from the joy of self-reliance. So when do we give and when do we not? When and how do we stop helping when helping becomes hurtful? I PROMISE you that this book will help! I’m on my second reading and I realized I fell into my old patterns again. Read this and give it to someone else to read! (The book is faith-based and quotes a lot of scripture, but it is helpful to EVERYONE!).
Here is a link to a article titled “Louisiana’s Mental Health System is Broken.” Having mental health options is important for all of us, whether we feel we need services for ourselves or not. (And most of us can benefit from mental health services at one time or another). To Read the article, click here.
Interested in Basic Economics? Do you ever wonder why large stores become larger while mom and pop stores are going out of business? This is one question that is answered in Robert Reich’s book, Supercapitalism. How much do our buying habits impact the economy? Is the lowest price the most important thing to consider? Do we have any control over the direction of economic growth? What really causes companies to lay people off? Robert Reich writes about economics in a way that every person can understand. This book will make you think about how your purchasing and saving habits contribute to the economic system. Economics is about more than jobs jobs jobs, it’s about the decisions that people like you and I make every day. I recommend this book because in order to help our community, it is helpful to understand how things work. This is written from an interesting perspective that is easy and fun to read.
Fav Fiction: I read a lot of books about English history, I find it fascinating. I’m currently reading a fictional series set in the time of Henry VIII. The series features lawyer Matthew Shardlake, who is called upon to solve crimes. The author, CJ Sansom, is a historian and a lawyer, and his books contain a lot of rich historical information, describing in detail events that occurred during the reformation, as England transformed from Catholicism to the Church of England. Reading history has helped me to understand how major historical events impacted the people who were living during those time. Reading history keeps me aware of historical patterns, and how history so often repeats itself.
Interesting Perspectives: I had the pleasure of hearing Michelle Alexander speak at a conference. I highly recommend that everyone read this book. We know there is a crime problem, we know there is a poverty problem, we know that the U.S. has more people in prison than any other country, we know that some prisons are being privatized and have become money-making machines that have no incentive to make sure people don’t return to prison. And we know that a disproportionate amount of people who are in prison are African American and Hispanic. No matter what your political persuasion is, this book contains important information for all of us to consider.
Quotable Quotes, Words of Wisdom…
“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” –Nelson Mandela
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” — Gandhi
“Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it.” Ps. 96:11
“Never Doubt That A Small Group Of Thoughtful Committed Citizens Can Change The World: Indeed It’s the Only Thing That Ever Has.” Margaret Mead
“People either fight or cooperate with Injustice.” Albert Camus
Click here to read an article that may provide you with some ideas and motivate you.
These links can start you on your path:
You will learn a lot from the Louisiana Association of Nonprofits. They advocate for local nonprofits and offer classes for individuals who are active or who are interested in becoming active in the nonprofit community in Louisiana. Their website is:
Here is a link to the Louisiana Secretary of State’s Website where you will be able to set up a nonprofit corporation. Currently the cost is $75.
Here is a link to the IRS, which will explain how to obtain 501(c)(3) (nonprofit) status:
Charitable organizations:
If you are interested in donating to charities, but want to make sure your funds are going to a charity that handles money responsibly, you can go to Charity Navigator’s Website. They rate and recommend charities:
Are you privileged? Take this Quiz to test your “privileged status” – click here.
If you have cervical dystonia, and you are interested in joining a support group, email us.
For Counseling: Email us at to make an appointment.